Red Dots on Your Skin…

Red dots on the skin have various causes:Petechiae/Purpura: Tiny spots from damaged blood vessels, possibly linked to stress or platelet disorders.Cherry Angiomas: Harmless, bright red bumps, common with age.Heat Rash: Red, itchy spots from trappedsweat.AllergicReactions: Red, itchy rashes from food,

substances, or insect bites.Folliculitis: Inflamed hair follicles from bacteria or fungi, often pus-filled.Cellulitis: A serious bacterial infection requiring antibiotics.Impetigo: Contagious red sores that ooze and crust over.
Vasculitis: Blood vesselinflammation, sometimes linked to autoimmune disorders.Hemangiomas: Harmless birthmarks from abnormal blood vessel growth.If accompanied by fever or pain, seek medical advice.

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