Hayley, a remote worker, and her husband Kevin, who runs a small business, faced the challenge of finding a nanny for their one-year-old daughter, Lucy, when Hayley had to go on a month-long business trip. Nervous about leaving Lucy, they installed hidden cameras to monitor the nanny’s care.
After interviewing several candidates, they met Amanda, a 48-year-old with experience, but Lucy didn’t connect with her. They then met Sarah, a 22-year-old medical student, whose energy and warmth immediately won Lucy over. Despite Hayley’s concerns about Sarah’s youth and inexperience, Kevin was confident in her ability to care for Lucy, noting her intelligence and good rapport with their daughter.Though hesitant, Hayley agreed to hire Sarah. Unbeknownst to them, the hidden cameras would soon capture a moment that would change their understanding of trust and family.